
Milford Students Send Message on Underage Drinking

The billboards speak for the students. After all, it’s their work.

As part of an alcohol education program at Jonathan Law High School, freshmen students in the online course created billboard designs with messages meant to spread awareness about underage drinking.

The program selected seven winners from a pool of 77 students. Two of those billboards are up now (pictured above). The rest will be displayed over the summer.

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“It’s a message that hit home to them,” says Wendy Gibbons of the Milford Prevention Council, which sponsored the class for the second year this school year.

The billboards are more apt to engage young people because they were created by young people, says Gibbons, adding that the same effect might not have been achieved had an adult designed the billboards.

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“They want to send a message to the community,” she says.

Foran High School also participated in the online education class but was not involved in the billboard contest, according to Gibbons.

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